From the Parish House

Whenever we do something, especially things that require or demand a lot of effort or time, we often feel a great sense of relief or excitement when we reach the second last task or hurdle.  A good example is when we tackle our house cleaning: a lot of things to be cleaned and when we reach the second last room, we feel real relief because the challenge is about to be finished.  Another example is when we are half-way through the ironing basket.  In the same way, this weekend is the second last weekend before Christ is to come, and we feel jubilant because the period of waiting is about to finish, and our hearts are joyful.

Traditionally this Sunday is called Gaudete Sunday, based on the Introit for the day: Gaudete in Domino semper, iterum dico, Gaudete, from Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, ‘Rejoice’”.

At the General Audience on 27 November 2024, Pope Francis reminded people that “with Jesus there is joy and peace.”  The choice of encountering Jesus and embracing his salvation will set people free from “sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness [and] with Jesus, joy is constantly born anew,” the Holy Father recalled this in his Evangelii Gaudium’s message.

Furthermore, he says that the joy of the gospel is unlike any other joy, it can be renewed every day and become contagious.  “Thanks solely to this encounter – or renewed encounter – with God’s love which blossoms into an enriching friendship.” (EG no.8)

This message of encountering joy reminds me of the experience of spending time with students at one of our schools.

In anticipation of the upcoming celebration of their Graduation Mass, I visited the Year 6 students at Our Lady’s Primary School on Thursday, 12 December.  It was the first time I had met them.  For the first few moments everyone felt a bit awkward and reserved, which is understandable.  However, after we opened up the conversation and I started to share about myself, the dynamics of discussion changed completely; we exchanged information about many things including food, sport and of course, parish life and school.  One of the students highlighted that what she will take away with her when she leaves is the friendliness of the school.

After the visit, I felt much joy and gratitude for the opportunity to encounter these youngsters as they are about to graduate from their seven years of primary school.  I do ask you to pray for them, for all the students from across our parish, and indeed for all students who will graduate this year.  May they be people of God, of love and hope for the world, wherever they may be in the next chapter of their lives, and may their joy be contagious for all the people that they encounter.

There is a Swedish proverb that I use quite often: “Shared joy is double joy; share sorrow is half a sorrow.”

As we celebrate this second last Sunday of Advent, and in the light of the Scripture readings, let us be inspired to be people of joy, which is drawn from the Lord, so that our joy may be shared with others around us this Christmas.

By Fr Sang Ho



Published: 13 December 2024

Parish Priest


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Kerry Bourke

Beautiful and wise words. Thank you, Fr. Sang! May God bless you always. Kerry Bourke

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