School Voices

As Term 2 draws to a close, Our Holy Redeemer Primary School reflects on events that have had an impact on the school community over the last few months.

Project Compassion

At a recent assembly Gwen Michener – the Community Engagement Animator for Victoria and Tasmania from Caritas Australia was our special guest.  Gwen thanked the OHR community for their efforts in raising over $3,500 for Project Compassion this year.  Gwen also shared with us the history of Caritas, their goals and plans as well explaining how the money we raised might be put to use.  

Grandparents & Special Friends’ Day

Every year we are amazed by the number of grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, parents and friends that make the effort to attend OHR’s Grandparents & Special Friends’ Day.  This year was no exception.  There was little room left in the church on the morning of Friday, May 24 as family members huddled closely together where, as mentioned in the introduction to the Mass, the sense of love and warmth in the room was simply palpable.  For the children, this is one of the most important days on the school calendar, as they are so proud to show their guests around their place of learning. 

The morning tea in the hall holds a proud tradition and is certainly welcomed by first time guests through to those that have been attending this day for more than a decade.  For those that did not make it to the hall, the students in the OHR choir sang Shallows from the film A Star is Born.  To put it simply, the students performed brilliantly for our audience, where they literally lifted the roof off the hall.  The staff and parents felt incredibly proud.  Thank you to Mr Jon Bode (Performing Arts teacher), who prepared the students for this performance.  We had students from Year 1 through to Year 6 performing.



OHR Public Speaking Competition

Once again, the Public Speaking Final held last Monday highlighted the capacity of the students’ oral language development at OHR.  Every student that participated in this term’s public speaking season was a winner in terms of the fact that they prepared and delivered a speech before their teacher(s) and peers.  Public speaking empowers students to form connections, influence decisions, and motivate change.  During Monday afternoon’s final it became apparent that each student’s presentation contained a valuable message or life lesson.  Their talks were captivating and showcased the confidence that each student has developed.

OHR Spring Carnival

Please remember to save the date of Saturday, 26 October for this year’s School Fete which has been rebranded as OHR Spring Carnival!  This will be our first fete since 2019…… has been awhile!  

By Nick Byrne, Deputy Principal


Published: 21 June 2024

School Community


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