School Voices

A community empowering young hearts and minds


Dear Parish Community,

We are delighted to share with you the wonderful happenings and achievements that have taken place in our school community over the first few weeks of term 3.  We are grateful to you for taking the time to read our contribution to the Parish Newsletter this week.

There is much to look forward to this term in addition to the classroom curriculum; Hoop time Basketball Competitions, Eucharist Reflection Day, Celebration of First Eucharist, Mini Olympics, Year 5/6 District Hockey Day, Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards, Scholastic Book Fair, Book Week Activities, Rotary Speech Competition, 100 Days of Prep, ICAS Academic Challenges, Maths Competitions, Year 3/4 Soccer Day, Year 5/6 Family Mass, District Athletics Sports Day, Father’s Day Stall and celebrations, Confirmation Reflection Day, the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation, OLPS Visual Arts Show Case and Year 3/4 Camp Information Evening.  We continue our work with The Resilience Project in particular a focus on gratitude and the positive impact it can have on our mental health and well-being.

Term 3 Curriculum Focus

This term our students’ learning will be driven by the Science Curriculum. Our guiding question is: “Is Change Good?”

In Religious Education the classes have begun to make links with this question in light of our Catholic and the other faith traditions.  Below is the thinking from our classes on this question. Students read these reflections at our Opening of the term Mass last Wednesday.

Prep: Sunmera – Change can be good, but it can also be challenging. It can make us feel unsure and it takes time to get used to new things.

Prep: Jack – In Prep, we are trying to make good changes that help us to be more like Jesus.

Year 1/2U: Owen – In 1/2U we believe that change is good because it helps us to learn and grow. At times, change can be scary but we can ask Jesus to help us. This term, we will strive to embrace changes in the hope that we will become more like Jesus and can share his love with those around us.

Year 1/2L: Jack E – In 1/2L we can learn to be like Jesus by reading bible stories . Sometimes it can be hard to be  loving  like Jesus, because we can get tired or grumpy.  Bible stories can help us to change by showing us how Jesus lived.

Year 3/4LH: Sorcha – In 3/4LH we see change. A lot of change. Change to our daily schedules, change of our learning intentions and change in our friendships. But as a class, we are learning to face change, embrace change and see it with an open mind and an open heart.  While we are aware that change can be challenging, we acknowledge that change is part of life. We continue to strive to believe in ourselves, build our confidence and be grateful for what our wonderful lives have to offer. We look to our faith to guide us to have the courage to embrace change, however it may look.

Year 3/4DC: Iverson – In 3/4DC our faith creates change in our world. Our faith helps us be grateful and mindful. Our faith helps us to love and celebrate others. Our faith helps us to respect and care for others. 

Our faith helps us to focus and have dedication to learn. Our faith helps us to be empathetic, hopeful,  brave, and  have courage to show forgiveness. Everyday our faith helps us change for the better by speaking positive words, treating other people how we would like to be treated.  All these things help us to be closer to God. Changing our school, homes, communities and our world for the good of us all.

Year 5/6B: Isabel Conroy – We believe that we are all actively involved in the process of change. How we speak and act can change how another person feels; completing random acts of kindness not only changes how another person feels but also changes how we feel about ourselves. In the wider community and world our actions can also impact the level and effects of change. For example, just doing simple things like turning lights off when we leave the room can help reduce climate change. Our faith helps us to understand and display the types of behaviors that make us agents of positive change.

Year 5/6HJ: Zoe Earl – Change is a part of life. Seasons come and go, our understanding of the world changes as we learn from our teachers, parents, and friends, and our interests change as we grow and mature. In our faith lives the 7 Sacraments mark times of change and growth for us spiritually. They remind us that God is always with us as a guide, comforter, and support. Confirmation is the Third Sacrament of Initiation and many of our Year 6 classmates will receive this sacrament later in Term 3.

By Mrs Annie Engellenner, Principal



Published: 2 August 2024

School Community


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