A seat with a view…

“You get your own seat with a good view.”


After many months of separation and being unable to celebrate the Eucharist together, our parish communities are gradually returning to share our faith journey.  Some parishioners have already noticed changes that have occurred at our weekend Masses. Their delight was reflected in their comments, “It has been so many years since we’ve seen Altar Servers at this Church.”

Having only recently commenced in his role, newly trained Altar Server Caleb, is happy to share his experience of serving and his encouragement to those who want to join him.

“I think it’s really fun when you get the right help.  And my first time I was really nervous but it was really fun…. it’s really fun being an Altar Server because you get to help out during Mass.  You get to see the Priest and readers close up.  You get your own seat with a good view.  I really like the robes and sash that you wear and you can easily enjoy Mass being an Altar Server.”

It has been wonderful to see life slowly returning to normal and for our young children to be able to take part in the Sacrament of Eucharist and Confirmation during recent weeks.  Seeing these young people and their families share these special moments has been wonderful.

The Parish would like to warmly invite any student who has received their First Eucharist to join the Altar Server Ministry in our Surrey Hills Wattle Park and Camberwell Parishes.  This Ministry group is open to our young parishioners from Grade 4 and above who will receive training to serve regularly at Sunday liturgies as well as other special liturgies during the year such as School Masses, Easter and Christmas.  This is a great opportunity to have our children share the responsibility of Church life and its liturgies.  In addition, it is a simple way that our children can deepen their faith journey.

To express your interest in training as an Altar Server, please contact one of the Altar Server Coordinators by emailing the Parish Office.

  • Camberwell, Balwyn and Deepdene Parishes: Kerry Hersom or Mieke Lochrie
  • Surrey Hills Wattle Park Parish: Kirsten Italiano or Fr Trac Nguyen

Alternatively, ring the Parish Office during office hours.

For all current Altar Servers, we are so glad to have you back and look forward to seeing you serving at Mass.

From: Kerry, Mieke, Kirsten and Trac.


Participation Worship


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