Homily – 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year (A)

Jesus instructed the Twelve as follows:
‘Do not be afraid.  For everything that is now covered will be uncovered, and everything now hidden will be made clear.  What I say to you in the dark, tell in the daylight; what you hear in whispers, proclaim from the house-tops.

Our readings this Sunday sound ominous.  Jeremiah laments about his vocation and Jesus warns the disciples of things to come.  Jesus is as clear as can be about what it means to follow in his footsteps.  The reality of discipleship is starting to unfold and intensify.  Jesus wasn’t sugar coating the road that he was leading the disciples on.  It entails putting one’s body and even reputation on the line.  This will inevitably put the things that they prize most, their safety and health and standing in society, for the sake of the Gospel.  This may sound extreme in our corner of the world, for elsewhere it is still a reality.

Lamenting and being fearful are part of the human experience and our response to unfavourable circumstances in life.  Lamenting can be a sign of great faith as Jeremiah turns around to say, “But the Lord is at my side”.  God understands our worries, fears, and anxieties as he assures the disciples “Do not be afraid”.  These words speak of a God who accompanies those who struggle.  This knowledge can be just as reassuring and comforting as a change in circumstances.

Jesus called the twelve not to cover things up, hide, operate in the dark or whisper the Gospel.  He called them to do the exact opposite.  He called them to uncover, to make things clear, speak and tell in the open, and proclaim the Good News to a world that is in desperate need of it.  What is good should not be contained it needs to break open.

By Fr Hoang Dinh





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