Homily – 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (A)

What was the last thing that helped open your mind?  For me, it was the recent trip to Portugal, visiting the historic and significant cities and towns of Lisbon, Tomar and Fatima.  Travel allowed me to immerse in influential culture, magnificent architecture, and rich history.  At one point or another culture and faith crossed paths and shaped each other and had a lasting impact.

Besides travel, reading a book can open minds to new ideas and ways of thinking.  Reading a book is like conversing with the author.  Face to face conversation too can open minds as well as hearts.  Conversation may even lead to a conversion.

Our Gospel this week talks about the power and responsibility of a community.  The community has power in numbers and in influence.  The community exists because of its members, and it exists for its members.  Such a task can be difficult and confronting.  However difficult, what can lead to a change of heart and a change of mind is worthwhile.

After all the effort of the community, the last thing to do is “treat them like a pagan or a tax collector”.  Jesus often includes sinners and outcasts of religious and social communities in his company.  To reject someone is not characteristic of Jesus, it is the characteristic of a community with a closed mind.  What Jesus meant was to treat tax collectors like he did with Matthew, recruited to be a disciple.  As for pagans, treat them according to the actions he’s already shown, invite them, rather than reject them, to become children of God through baptism.  Baptism was known as the Sacrament of light when one moves from darkness to light.  Forgiveness then opens up one’s heart and mind.

By Fr Hoang Dinh





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