Homily – Fourth Sunday of Easter (B)

As we enter the Fourth Sunday of Easter, the gospel takes a detour from the resurrection appearances and accounts.  We will hear this Sunday, and next Sunday, discourses made by Jesus about his identity by various images.  Next week it will be the image of “The Vine”.  This week it is through the image of the “Good Shepherd.”  Keeping in mind we are still in the Easter Season, the readings are to be read in light of the Resurrection.  The Resurrection confirms everything that Jesus said about himself is true.

Jesus asserts “I am the Good Shepherd”.  He says “I am” to point to himself and declaring there is no other.  He makes God visible before them.  This is an incredible statement, the kind that landed him into strife.  It is also a statement to instill true faith in him.  If we believe Jesus to be God, then we will not only accept the statement that follows but practice them in daily living.  By calling himself the “Good Shepherd”, he distinguishes himself from other shepherds who were notorious for bad leadership.  This shepherd, however, comes from God and wants to show and share the love and joy of God.  If we pause and internalise this statement, the events of Good Friday show this love, and the events of Easter Sunday show the joy promised.

This Fourth Sunday of Easter is also known as Good Shepherd Sunday, a day when people pray for vocations to married and single life, the priesthood, religious and consecrated life.  Each of these vocations are called to imitate the Good Shepherd, to love selflessly and to experience the joy in living a new life with a spouse or with a community.  Each vocation entails a dying and a rising, and each time love and joy fills their hearts.

The gospel helps us to reflect on our vocation.  Have there been moments of change, even the uncomfortable ones, that have given life to ourselves and others?

By Fr Hoang Dinh


Published: 19 April 2024



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