School Voices

Eucharist Reflection Day

On Friday 26th May, the Year 4 Candidates for First Eucharist (and those Year 4 students supporting them in their preparation) attended a Retreat Day at the Holy Cross Monastery, Templestowe alongside students from Our Lady’s and the SHWP Parish. The day was facilitated by Gen Bryant and her team and was a great opportunity to help prepare these students for the Sacrament of the Eucharist which they will receive for the first time on the 10th or 17th of June.



Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day

On Friday, 2 June visitors were warmly welcomed onto the school grounds in anticipation of the significant morning that laid ahead. This very special day in the school calendar offers the children the opportunity to honour and celebrate those significant people in their lives, whether they be grandparents, aunts, uncles, mum, dad or a family friend. During Mass, Fr Brendan’s homily focused on the special qualities of grandparents and grand children and the special bond that existed between them. John Eric-Ighalo played on the keyboard and lead the beautiful voices of the choir.
Following Mass, the children proudly paraded their guests around the classrooms and shared some of the learning they have recently completed. The morning concluded with the well-renowned morning tea in the hall. Here the guests were entertained by our Prep choir, who were led by some of our more senior students. Afterwards our school choir, led by Mr Jon Bode, performed Slipping Through My Fingers from Mamma Mia ( a real tear jerker!).
A team of mothers had set up the hall on the prior days, displaying the students’ beautiful artwork while arranging the tables, chairs, crockery and flowers.


The School thanks everyone who contributed to the morning tea, whether by cooking, delivering food, setting up, cleaning up or packing up; no contribution was too small. Kelly Xie, Angela Southwood and Mandy Dominello did an amazing job of coordinating this year’s morning tea.

… Can’t wait for next year.

By Nick Byrne
Deputy Principal




School Community


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