School Voices

Our Holy Redeemer Primary School staff and students, have been so happy to welcome parents back on the school grounds.  The children have also genuinely enjoyed catching up with all their friends in the playground; something that has been missing over the past two years.  Now, a typical Thursday morning before school is punctuated with activities including Tennis Hot Shots, and two school-based basketball teams being taken through their drills by some parents.  “It’s great to see so much life back in the school”, commented one parent.

The PFA have commenced drawing up the social calendar for the year, and Parent Gatherings have resumed.  This is a great opportunity to build on reconnecting the school community.

Commissioning of Staff and Student Leaders

The school staff and Year 6 student leaders were commissioned in their roles of service earlier this week.  Both the staff and students read out their respective charters to those who had gathered.  The student leaders were also presented with their badges during this time.  The commissioning was held outside, as currently schools are not permitted to mix groups within the hall during assemblies.

Burning of the Palms

On the afternoon of Tuesday, 1 March the students gathered in the amphitheatre outside the OHR Church, where Fr Trac held a small prayer service.  As part of the service, Fr Trac burned the palms from the previous year’s Palm Sunday.  Afterwards, the ashes from the palms were distributed to the teachers enabling them to conduct their own Ash Wednesday prayer service within their classrooms. 

School Choir

Mr Jon Bode, our new Performing Arts teacher, recently commenced a trial period for students interested in joining the school choir.  An incredible amount of students turned up for last Friday’s first session.  Jon is looking forward to teaching the students the finer skills of choral work and arrangements.  No doubt, there will be many opportunities for the choir to represent the school as the year unfolds.

By Frank Dame

Principal of Our Holy Redeemer Primary School

School Community


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