School Voices

We were very excited to farewell our year 3/4 students to their camp at Sovereign Hill. The students and parents gathered to board the bus with a wonderful nervous excitement in the air. We love the tradition of our other students waving them goodbye from over the fence.

We have just completed a terrific swimming program.  It is so important for children to learn to swim and to at least have the basic skills to be able to enjoy the water in a safe way.  Swimming brings a sense of achievement and offers countless opportunities for fulfilment and self-development, it is great exercise and helps children develop muscles, increase lung capacity and strengthen visual coordination. 

With summer approaching and a country that is surrounded by vast coastlines, it is almost impossible to not come across an aquatic environment at some stage in your life.  

Our Year 5/6 students are now very excited about their upcoming sailing program. 

Throughout the last few weeks we have focused our whole school prayer around the theme of peace. There are so many places around the world suffering as a result of conflict and war. At school we also focus on being people of peace on an everyday basis. We invite the children to reflect upon their simple everyday actions and whether in each and every situation we have chosen to add peace or disharmony. A smile, a helping hand, an inclusion are all small acts of peace. Prayer helps us to be people of peace. 

Our 2024 transition program is well underway as we welcome many new families to our school. We involve both parents and students to participate in sessions in which students get to know each other and parents participate in information sessions as well. A highlight for the school and parish year is the Welcome Mass for Prep and New Families joining our school in 2024.  The Welcome Mass will be celebrated at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, 301 Elgar Road, Surrey Hills on Sunday, 19 November at 9.00 am.  Our Lady’s School is part of an active parish community across our three partnered Parishes of Camberwell, Balwyn Deepdene and Surrey Hills Wattle Park.  Our parish community is enriched by the life and activities of our school and a priority for our parishes is to connect with our school and the families which attend.  

It is hard to  believe that we are drawing near to the end of the year and we are looking forward to celebrating Advent.


School Community


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