School Voices

This term our inquiry question at Our Lady’s Primary School is “How can we be peacemakers?”  Once again, we look to our faith tradition to guide us in this very important question.  Jesus was a peacemaker.  This term we will reflect upon our words and actions, we will focus on pausing before we speak and act, and ask ourselves the very important question: “Will my actions bring peace to the situation”.  Please see our class pledges below:

In Prep, we want to be peacemakers through our actions and our words, just like Jesus did.  We will try to use kind words when speaking to others.  We will try to share our things and include others.  We want our classroom and school to be a place where we can all feel safe, happy and cared for.

In 1/2U, we will strive to be peacemakers each day in our classroom, our homes and our wider communities.  We can do this by thinking about the words we use and our tone of voice.  We want to be known for using kind, encouraging words that uplift those around us.  Each day, we will make an effort to show care when we notice that someone is upset or frustrated, and we will take the time to understand why they are feeling that way.  We want to be peacemakers by making sure each person feels valued and understood.  We will try our best to be brave and stand up for what is right.  We will be truthful and honest, making an effort to pause before we speak and act.  In 1/2U, we will first think: ‘Will my words and actions bring peace to this situation?’

In Grade 1/2L, we have been reflecting on what peace looks like, feels like and sounds like in our classroom, home and communities.  We want to create a peaceful school environment by taking the time to think before we speak.  Is what I am about to say truthful?  Helpful?  Inclusive?  Necessary and kind?  We aim to greet people by name when we see them in the hallways, provide our friends with helpful calming strategies when they are hurt, and keep our playground clean so that God’s creatures are at peace.  We hope to be peacemakers at home by showing empathy to our parents and siblings.  We aim to help with chores so that they can feel supported, to share our special belongings with them, and to communicate our feelings to them calmly when we feel frustrated.  In our after school activities, we want to be people that our coaches can trust to bring peace to team situations.  We aim to follow the safety rules of our sport games, to listen to our coaches the first time they give an instruction and to encourage our team members.  We want to be at peace and create peace for others in our world. 

In 3/4LH, we can be peacemakers by actively showing empathy and kindness to others.  Simple actions and gestures can bring peace, especially to those who may need it most, but do not say it.  A wave, a smile, a personal greeting or a hug can bring peace.  As Saint Mary MacKillop said “never see a need without doing something about it”.  We can do this.  We can see a need and bring peace.  We can and will recognise someone’s feelings, their joy, their pain or their story and add peace by being people of great love.  It is the simple things that matter most.  In Year 3/4LH, we will be peacemakers. 

In 3/4DC we have reflected on what peace and harmony is.  We understand that it takes words and actions to be a peacemaker.  As it says in the bible; faith requires work.  A quote we have on our wall from a famous author is ‘Action is character’.  Our actions share to the world  who we are: we make a commitment each morning in prayer to demonstrate who we are each day.  Here are some of our daily commitments… Today I will be a peacemaker by including others in our game.  Today I will be a peacemaker by looking after school equipment.  Today I will be a pacemaker by smiling at others.  Today I will be a peacemaker by listening to the speaker.  Today I will be a peacemaker by coming to the line on the bell.  We strive for progress as peacemakers.

In 5/6BS, we can be peacemakers when we say ‘hi’ to others, and when we are patient with our friends and family.  It is hard to be a peacemaker when you are angry and when the space around you is not quiet.  Calming ourselves down when we are  frustrated is a way in which we can bring peace to those around us and to ourselves.  Meditation, prayer, a walk in the park and five-finger breathing can help us to find peace.  A peacemaker is someone who knows how to move on from unpleasant things.  You can be a peacemaker in your community by performing random acts of kindness.  Let’s try and be peacemakers together.

In 5/6H we can be peacemakers by solving problems and disagreements with words.  Compromising about things can help bring peaceful resolutions.  We can be peacemakers by doing small things that could make a big difference in someone’s day – it could even just be a smile.  Peacemakers are people who never give up on a relationship.  Instead they find a way to solve problems positively.  Peace looks like people listening to one another, smiling and supporting one another, and people doing things to help without being asked.  It can be hard to be a peacemaker when you are upset or angry about something but forgiving helps.  Peace feels like people accept you for who you are and being confident that no-one will hurt you.  We are committed to doing our best to be peaceful people always.



Published: 26 April 2024

School Community


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Laura Facci

What wonderful teaching and learning is taking place in OurLady’s Primary School, and What meaningful attempts at being peacemakers is being undertaken by students at all year levels. What a contrast to when I was attending primary school in the 1950’s!!!
I congratulate the teachers and all the students. God Bless you all.

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